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fork-tailed petrel from birds of america (1827) by john james audubon (1785 - 1851 ), etched by robert havell (1793 - 1878). the original birds of america is the most expensive printed book in the world and a truly awe-inspiring classic. color palette

#4A4D41 #9DAA98 #E7E7D9 #C2C8B5 #7B8B74
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related tags: 494A44 4A4D41 7B8B74 7D867A 9DAA98 9FA59C C0C3BA C2C8B5 E4E4DD E7E7D9 america bird birdsofamerica forktailedpetrel johnjamesaudubon leachsstormpetrel oceanodromaleucorhoa petrel roberthavell