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breton bather (ca. 1886–1887) by paul gauguin. original from the art institute of chicago. digitally enhanced by rawpixel. color palette

#7B743C #C39B4E #EEB800 #E9C27D #A47E3F
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related tags: 6C684C 7B743C 8B7858 A47E3F A6926B B2973A C39B4E CEBA98 E9C27D EEB800 antique art artistpublicdomain artpublicdomain artwork bath bather bathing body boy breton bretonbather cc0 charcoal cleaning creativecommons creativecommons0 detailed famous famousart famousartwork famousartworks female figure french gauguin name paintingspublicdomain pastel paulgauguin portrait postimpressionismpublicdomain publicdomain publicdomainart publicdomainartnudes publicdomainimages publicdomainpostimpressionism vintage woman