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topographic map of the ruins of thebes from histoire de l'art égyptien (1878) by Émile prisse d'avennes. original from the new york public library. digitally enhanced by rawpixel. color palette

#DBBB90 #EACFA5 #F8F0DC #CCAC80 #BB9869
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related tags: 1800s 1800spublicdomain 19thcentury A7957E B9A993 BB9869 C8B8A2 CCAC80 D8CBB6 DBBB90 EACFA5 F1EDE3 F8F0DC ancient ancientegyptianart antique art artpublicdomain cc0 copyrightfreepublicdomain creativecommons creativecommons0 drawing egypt egyptian emileprissedavennes handdrawn heritage highresolutionpublicdomain historical historicalpublicdomain history illustration illustrationpublicdomain landscape layout luxor map mapology mapspublicdomain monument mythology necropolis nile old otherkeywords pharaonic publicdomain publicdomain1800s publicdomainart publicdomainegyptian publicdomainimages publicdomainmaps publicdomainprints ritualburials royaltyfreepublicdomain ruins sanctuary sepia sketch story temple thebannecropolis thebes tombs topographic upperegypt vintage vintageillustrationpublicdomain westbank worldheritagesite