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sidney hall’s (1831) astronomical chart illustration of the zodiac cancer. original from library of congress. digitally enhanced by rawpixel. color palette

#E5AB48 #F6D588 #E9E9CE #DDBC76 #AA782C
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related tags: 1800s 1800spublicdomain 19thcentury 8A714B AA782C BDA16F C3B390 DACAA3 DDBC76 E3E3D5 E5AB48 E9E9CE F6D588 aerostatique animal animalgraphics animalspublicdomain antique art artpublicdomain arts astrological astrology astronomical astronomy cancer cc0 celestial chart constellations copyrightfreepublicdomain crab creativecommons creativecommons0 crustaceans drawing etchings famousart famousartwork famousartworks famouspainting famouspaintings greek hall handcolored highresolutionpublicdomain horoscope illustrated illustration illustrationpublicdomain july june locimage magical map mapspublicdomain mythological mythology myths name old orange otherkeywords paints publicdomain publicdomain1800s publicdomainanimals publicdomainart publicdomainastrology publicdomainimages publicdomainmaps publicdomainpaintings publicdomainprints royaltyfreepublicdomain sidney sidneyhall sketch stars tags vintage vintageillustrationpublicdomain zodiac