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meaningless color palettes

#281B12 #745018 #634728 #D4C1A4 #BC873C
#597690 #39F6FF #F7F5F8 #D4D7E3 #39A6FF
#513D45 #A67669 #A08BA0 #9D7F8D #E29F64
#4B272E #C6523A #9287AB #F57154 #A6B2E3
#442023 #C0562A #A48B9F #E5D4E0 #C9A7B0

related tags: 221C17 281B12 39A6FF 39F6FF 3B292B 4B272E 4C4246 513D45 5D4B2F 70A6DD 77D5F3 9287AB 96868E 9690A2 977F78 9B6650 9B909B 9C825C 9D7F8D 9D919B A08BA0 A3695D A48B9F A67669 A6B2E3 B6BCD4 BC873C C0562A C0B0B4 C2A184 C6523A C8BEB0 C9A7B0 CD8B7D D4C1A4 D4D7E3 D8D9E0 E1D8DE E29F64 E5D4E0 F57154 F7F5F8 F7F6F7 absurd absurdity badmanagement brokenprocesses bureaucracy camus changemanagement design despair difficult endless expectationmanagement flouride fluoride frustrating laborproductivity meaningless moments movinggoalposts mythofsisyphus nohope of onewaycommunication packaging poundland resiliency resistancetochange saga scientificmanagement spelling stovepipeorganization taylorism the theatreoftheabsurd toil toothbrush whyimaginesisyphushappy whyissisyphusishappy work workplace 423033 442023 544637 597690 634728 667582 745018