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#5B4E41 #A5A5A0 #EEE2CE #D4C6A9 #9B8C65
#725C1B #5B5B28 #B0752D #CE9447 #DFB07E
#614B47 #B25D3C #CD9950 #E4D0A5 #608694
#292621 #57321F #7B582C #D79D46 #B57B3A
#2E1E16 #5B2F0D #83511B #BA731A #D2AA69
#282629 #705124 #725931 #D5C48E #B09249
#638179 #183824 #FFECBD #F1DEB8 #8DA394
#638179 #183824 #FFECBD #F1DEB8 #8DA394
#638179 #183824 #FFECBD #F1DEB8 #8DA394
#B76B35 #D08D4E #FF7E07 #FFECBD #527052

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