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shadow of the tomb raider / what is to come? color palette

#1E2425 #595F61 #3A4046 #A7B1B3 #7A8184
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related tags: 1E2425 3A4046 3D4043 4k 595F61 5B5E5F 7A8184 7C8081 8k A7B1B3 AAAFB0 art beautiful cave character close closeup composite croft crystal digital digitalart dof downsampling dynamics editor enix game games gaming geothermal hotsampled hotsampling image indoor landscape lara mine mountains nature of outdoor panorama pcgaming people photo portrait portraits raider screencapture screenshot screenshots shadow shadowofthetombraider societyofvirtualphotographers sottr square survival temple tomb tombraider up valley videogames virtual virtualphotography wallpaper wallpapers water waterfall 202324